Corrina’s blog

28 Jul 2020

What made you decide to participate in the Bouts Art Competition?

For the opportunity to have my work displayed, COVID-19 has made everything more digital which in turn can make it difficult to cut through all the noise and posts on social media platforms. This was a chance to get work out there in a different way while doing something I enjoy!

Tell us about your passion for art – What motivates you to create art?

My passion is all things design. Traditionally I work a lot with typography and poster design. It’s such a broad practice that it allows me to explore different areas and draw inspiration from everywhere. Collage is especially my favourite and motivates me to create. I never know what printed matter I’m going to find and it’s exciting!

I normally make a collage with the way I’m feeling at the time, lockdown meant I had a lot of spare time and like everyone else it was difficult to deal with. Essentially it was my way of handling it all! Nurture and Growth the piece I submitted was my imagined landscape. Filled with lots of nature and greenery as I found that both inspiring and healing.

Do you see yourself doing this for the long term?

I hope so! Being a graphic designer is what I intend to pursue as a career. Creativity is part of my nature. However, I’d love to spend more time developing my collage work and incorporating into my practice. Having a hands-on approach can sometimes be much more entertaining and inspiring than working digital all the time.

Do you have a favourite artist and how have they influenced your practice?

Robert Rauschenberg is probably my all-time favourite artist. I was lucky to see his work once at the MoMA in New York. He influenced me through his mixed medias and compositions. I love how he didn’t stay as one thing but became both an abstract painter and collage artist.

See Corrina’s artwork in The Bowes Museum grounds until 31 August. Find more about the Bouts Art Competition here.

Learn more about the Young People projects, workshops, blogs and opportunities here.



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