The Icon Interns Have Landed!

4 Nov 2015

In the past few weeks we have waved goodbye to our first batch of Icon interns. Paul left us for a private paintings conservation studio, KS&H, in Norfolk; Maria left us for the National Maritime Museum; and Emily has gone to the Imperial War Museum. We were thrilled (and so were they) that they all secured jobs to go to before their internships ended.

No sooner were they out the door, and we were trying to pull ourselves together again, then our three new Icon interns arrived. You’ll be hearing more from them over the coming year; here they are:

Pauline assesses a painting of Josephine Bowes' dog for loan

Pauline assesses a painting of Josephine Bowes’ dog for loan

Hello, my name is Pauline Murray, and I am pleased to introduce myself as the new Icon Paintings Conservation intern here at The Bowes Museum.

By way of background, I graduated from Northumbria University in 2013 with an MA in Conservation of Fine Art, specialising in Easel Paintings.  I have supplemented my training with placements in conservation studios as well as recent freelance work for the Whitworth Art Gallery and Manchester Art Gallery.

I see the next 12 months at The Bowes Museum as vital work-based training, that will allow me to develop my practical skills over a prolonged period, working under the guidance and supervision of Painting Conservator Jon Old, where I also get to work in a magnificent French-style chateau every day!

Jamie surface cleaning costume on display in the YSL: Style is Eternal exhibition

Jamie surface cleaning costume on display in the YSL: Style is Eternal exhibition

Hello, my name is Jamie Robinson and I am absolutely delighted to introduce myself as one of the new ICON textile conservation interns starting at the Bowes Museum.  I have just finished a Masters at the Centre for Textile Conservation in Glasgow but, like most conservators, my route up until this point has been rather a winding one with a previous degree in Fine Art and History of Art and a number of years working in a vintage clothes shop, a contemporary art gallery and, most recently, an auction house.  Twentieth century costume has always been my great passion, encouraged by a short period interning at Kerry Taylor Auctions.  One of our first tasks as textile conservation interns will be to assist with the de-installation of the hugely successful Yves Saint Laurent exhibition.  I am so looking forward to learning about practicalities of this process as well as having the very great privilege of examining the garments at close range.  This is set to be a truly fantastic year!

Kate in one of the rolled textile stores

Kate in one of the rolled textile stores

Hi, my name is Kate and I am delighted to be one of this year’s ICON textile conservation interns at Bowes. Before beginning the internship I was a student on the Textile Conservation MPhil at Glasgow University. I am originally from Wales, which is where I would like to return one day to help conserve the country’s rich textile heritage.

As I have a long standing interest in quilts I’m particularly looking forward to developing my knowledge of conserving these textiles at the Bowes. I am thrilled that my first task here has been to help prepare quilts from the museum’s collection for display in the Fashion and Textile gallery – they are stunning!

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