The Friends play an active role in the life of the Museum with benefits including free entry to the Museum, quarterly Newsletters, invitations to exhibition previews, concerts, wide ranging activities and events at the Museum and other places of interest.
The Friends of The Bowes Museum is a registered charitable trust that makes funding awards to The Bowes Museum. Their objectives are to support, assist and improve the Museum. It’s run entirely by volunteers and offers of help are always welcome. It currently has around 1,700 members.
Friends’ Office
The Bowes Museum
Barnard Castle, County Durham DL12 8NP
Tel: 01833 690606 extension 233 (voicemail)
The Friends have made substantial financial contributions to The Bowes Museum since their first acquisition, purchased in 1959 for £400, of the magnificent chandelier which graces the entrance hall. They have also helped fund the refurbishment of the Barbadienne mirror, a frame for the Van Dyke portrait of Mrs Olivia Porter and the redesign of the Fashion and Textiles and the Ceramics galleries.
Many major exhibitions and catalogues have benefitted from their donations. In the past 20 years they have contributed over £1 million pounds of support to the Museum.
Individual Friends are also generous in their donations and bequests.
The Friends of The Bowes Museum was established in 1950 and has flourished ever since, now with over 1700 members.
In 1962 Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, became Patron. Following her death in 2002 the Friends erected an Armillary Sphere as a memorial.
70 years on the Friends continue to actively support the Museum. In addition to fundraising, they provide volunteers where required. Friends’ activities include lectures, concerts, outings and gardening. A quarterly magazine “Bowes Arts” is published and Friends receive free entry to the Museum, invitations to previews and discounts in Café Bowes and Museum Shop.
Friends Committee
The Earl of Ronaldshay
Vice Presidents
Heather Scott OBE
Joanna Tait OBE
Lesley Taylor MBE
Fiona Turnbull M.A.
Honorary Officers:
Colin Hardy
Vice Chairman
Helen Rowell
Asst. Secretary
Elizabeth Beadle
Asst. Treasurer
Membership Secretary
Elaine Hicks
Bowes Arts Editor
Dorothy Brenkley
Events Organiser
Jackie Persse
Committee Members
Professor Cheryl Buckley
David Phillips
Ann Pope
Gillian Pryce – Taylor
Co-opted Committee Members
Carol Marcelino